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The Fourth of July is a day when seemingly normal people lose their common sense and blow off fingers, damage eyes, and do other mayhem to their bodies (and homes) for the thrill of setting off explosive devices.

But it’s not restricted to fireworks, it’s common in all forms of life including business. Just look at the recent escapades at Uber. Smart people, a dynamic idea (which disrupted the heck out of the taxi and shuttle industries), and no common sense when it came to company culture.

Riding so high on their idea, I’m sure given all the money (investors money) they had in spite of consistent losses let many of their people feel they could do no wrong. But obviously, they did a lot wrong in the office, especially with their treatment of women.

As many smart people have proclaimed over the centuries, common sense isn’t all that common. The above are just two examples and good warnings about how we need to ask ourselves, “Does this make sense?” when faced with a decision on something new. It could be a growth strategy, buying a business, selling one, or something personal (look at all the homebuyers these days who waive inspections so they can outbid the 37 other buyers for a house).

If you’re a business owner or have clients who own a business some of the best common sense advice to those thinking of selling in the next few years is to do the things necessary to increase the company’s value and make it more attractive to buyers (hint, the best common sense advice is for them to read my book If They Can Sell Pet Rocks Why Can’t You Sell Your Business (For What You Want)?)

Above all, have common sense and keep all your fingers intact every July 4.

“That which distinguishes this day from all others is that then both orators and artillerymen shoot blank cartridges.” John Burroughs



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